New Years Appliance Resolutions
Planning Your New Appliance Purchases
Considerations for Buying New Appliances
Here's a New Year Resolution list for planning your appliance purchases in 2014:
Take inventory of your potential appliance needs by determining the age and condition of your existing appliances. If your washing machine is 12 years old, and has been making funny noises, you should anticipate that you'll be needing a new washer sooner rather than later.
Budget for appliance replacement. Begin setting aside money to replace that clunky old washing machine. Even if you can fund part of the purchase from this appliance reserve fund, it might mean the difference between getting a “bare bones” product versus the one you really want and need. Universal Appliance and Kitchen Center (UAKC) carries most major brands and models. For example, you can select a new washer from among great brand names such as Frigidaire, GE, LG, Maytag, and Whirlpool.
Some appliances get replaced before they have failed, such as in a new kitchen remodel project. Here too, you can do some advance planning. If you're working with a design firm, they can help you get started. The professionals at Universal Appliance and Kitchen Center (UAKC) are always there to answer your questions and guide you through the process. Appliances are a big part of a kitchen remodel. Don't blow your budget on granite countertops and fancy cabinets only to find out you can't afford the appliances you've always dreamed of.
Allow sufficient upfront order and delivery time for special orders. UAKC has a large warehouse and keeps an on-hand inventory of popular models, but if you need to get a range like the one below in the 2014 Color of the Year – Radiant Orchid, it might take a while to get built and shipped.
Don't neglect important features when making your purchase decision. Customers frequently regret not getting an upgraded appliance model soon after they begin using their new appliance, and of course, by then it's too late. Your appliance is going to be with you for years so seriously consider stretching your budget to get a product that works for you rather than settling for something that will have you kicking yourself later.
Here's a quote from a customer who bought a really low end washing machine from a home improvement store. “This is not a washer you can start and walk away from to do other things…. I hate this machine with the passion of 1000 white hot suns. I would go on, but it is laundry day and I have to go back downstairs to babysit the washer.”
With some careful planning and budgeting, shopping for your next appliance can be a delightful not a frightful experience. Count on the experts at Universal Appliance and Kitchen Center to help you through the process.
Two locations to serve you – Calabasas and Studio City:
Universal Appliance and Kitchen Center
- A Brief Guide to Ice Maker Machines
- A Brief Guide to Built-In Kitchen Appliances
- Freestanding vs Slide In Ranges: Which One is Best?
- Understanding True Convection Ranges
- Shopping for a New Range? Induction vs Electric
- Understanding French Door Refrigerators
- Your Guide to the Different Types of Ovens
- 10 Tips to Run a Refrigerator in a Hot Garage Space
- Tips for Finding the Best Washing Machine for Your Home
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