The Benefits of an Outdoor Pizza Oven
Almost everyone enjoys a slice of pizza, whether it is an accompaniment to a nice glass of wine or a great family dinner. But, if you typically heat up a frozen pizza or order takeout, you are likely to be missing out on one of the best dining experiences; creating your own pizza in an outdoor pizza oven. Pizza ovens are one of the reasons why a pizza at a restaurant tends to taste far better than you can make in your oven at home. Fortunately, pizza ovens are no longer the exclusive domain of restaurants, and you can purchase one for your home. So, here we’ll explore the benefits of an outdoor pizza oven with some tips for choosing the right one for your outdoor space. The Pizza Oven Basics: Before you can appreciate the benefits of a pizza oven, you need to know why it is different compared to a conventional oven or grill. Regular ovens are designed to hit a maximum temperature of approximately 500º, but pizza ovens can reach temperatures of up to 900º. This is essential for that crispy, delicious crust. Another key difference is that pizza ovens require the pizza to be directly placed on the floor inside the appliance, rather than sitting on a rack as it would inside an oven or grill. This does mean that you need a pizza peel to get the food in and out of the appliance, but this more direct contact with the heat also contributes to