5 Small Kitchen Appliances for Your New Home
Moving into a new home can be a daunting process and it can take a moment to figure out what you have and what you need. Some people focus on cool kitchen gadgets that won’t get much use, such as electric can openers and an egg maker. But, a manual can opener works fine and you can cook eggs in a pan of boiling water. In this article, we will look at five small kitchen appliances that will improve your daily life. 1. Immersion Blender This is a smaller handheld blender that you can easily move around the home or outdoors if you wish. It has a long handle with a sharp blade at the business end which is partially covered for your protection. The blade can be removed for cleaning and the partial cover will prevent most food splatters. When you’re cooking veggies or broth on the stove, you simply put the immersion blender in the pan and puree it to make the perfect soup. This is a great small appliance to create your favorite sauces too. 2. Coffee Grinder If you don’t drink coffee, you can skip this small appliance, but for many of us, it would be hard to start the day without our morning joe. Buying whole coffee beans and grinding them at home is a great way to extract the most flavor and aroma from your coffee. A fresh grind each morning will ensure that you never drink instant coffee again. Even a higher end