How Cleaning Your Dryer Lint Filter Could Save You Money
The lint filter inside your dryer is a small component that is very easy to overlook, but it could actually help you achieve some significant time and money savings. Cleaning your lint filter is a simple task, but regular cleaning is vital for an efficient home. The Potential Problems of Having a Dirty Lint Filter While it is easy to overlook, your filter can have a significant impact on dryer performance. If your filter is allowed to become clogged with lint and debris, it can create some potential problems including: Blocked Airflow: The lint or fluffy residue from your towels, bedding, and clothing accumulates inside the dryer and collects in the filter. Unfortunately, this lint doesn’t just disappear, and when the filter becomes full, it restricts airflow, blocking the heated air. This lack of free flowing air means that not only will your clothing and other items take longer to dry, but there is also a risk of your dryer overheating. Increased Energy Usage: Additionally, the restricted airflow will contribute to using more energy to dry your items. As your dryer is forced to work harder and harder, it will use more and more energy, so you’ll be faced with higher energy bills. Motor Strain: The additional power needed and longer drying periods not only uses more energy, but places the dryer components under increasing strain. One component, particularly at risk, is the dryer motor. As your dryer is working harder, you may find that your dryer motor is vulnerable